These analogue video experiments explore the cyclical, self-reflexive traits of time, human behavior, and nature that I had just found during my initial, independent research in Java, Indonesia, which focused on traditional methods of navigation between the natural and supernatural worlds. They were performed live at the Experimental Television Center (ETC) in upstate New York. Video from a modified CCTV camera–shot in Boston, Manhattan, Central Java (Indonesia), and the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History–was processed using multiple feedback loops, voltage controls, a waveform monitor, and The Wobbulator, a raster manipulation device built for the ETC by Nam June Paik and Shuya Abe.
Experiment Series, 2008
Experiment 2
Sound by BJ Nilsen and Stillupsteypa (04:36)
Experiment 1a
Sound by Biosphere (07:40)
Experiment 1b
Sound by Biosphere (07:44)