The Glass System: Sculptures, 2016

The Glass System No. 1a
Plexiglass, neodymium magnets, light
4″ x 6” x 4″
This piece is part of a series investigating nonlinear time and space. Concatenated layers of translucent plexiglass describe slices in a region of space-time; conducting video through it provides a way of thinking about events in that region (see it in action in Resonant Luminance).

Tatal Pawukon
Scientific glass, neodymium magnets, video, steel, electronics
4” x 6″ x 6″
Tatal Pawukon models nonlinear time as described in the Javanese 30-week perennial calendar. It is based on my print of the same name, included in The Beginning Was The End.

The Glass System No. 1
Scientific glass, neodymium magnets, light
4″ x 6” x 4″
This piece is part of a series investigating nonlinear time and space.

The Glass System No. 5
Scientific glass, neodymium magnets, mirrors
6″ x 10” x 6″
This wall-mounted piece begins exploring different means by which symmetry occurs.

Strange Loop No. 4
Scientific glass, neodymium magnets, mirrors
4″ x 8″ x 8″
This wall-mounted piece focuses specifically on symmetry in physics, in which a physical property or process has an equivalence in two or more directions. Here, that includes viewers’ true reflections, as others see them.